
Module storage

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OpenMLS Storage

This module serves two purposes:

  • It implements the Key, Entity and type traits from openmls_traits::storage::traits.
  • It defines traits that specialize the Storage and Provider traits from openmls_traits. This way, the Rust compiler knows that the concrete types match when we use the Provider in the code.


  • A convenience trait for the OpenMLS provider that defines the storage provider for the current version of storage. Throughout the code, this one should be used instead of openmls_traits::OpenMlsProvider.
  • A convenience trait for the current version of the public storage. Throughout the code, this one should be used instead of openmls_traits::public_storage::PublicStorageProvider.
  • A convenience trait for the current version of the storage. Throughout the code, this one should be used instead of openmls_traits::storage::StorageProvider.